SRSC Column Details

This table shows the descriptions of the columns on the website and in the downloadable csv. Not all columns in the csv are displayed on the website.

For full details on the construction and inclusions of the catalogue please see Driessen et al..

Website ColumnCSV columnUnitsDescription
Links Links to further information on the source, where available. Includes links to Simbad, CASDA (for ASKAP observations), Vizier, and the Gaia DR3 database.
Light curve Shows a diagram of the radio light curve of the source. This is designed to indicate the number of observations of the source and the general shape of the light curve. The bar highlighted in red is the radio detection for that row in the table.
Identification Identification A unique identifier for each star in the catalogue.
Star name A single identifier for the star in the website table for ease of identification. Names are given priority in order of: GCVS_ID, Simbad_ID, GaiaDR3_ID, TYCHO_ID, 2MASS_ID, HIP_ID, UCAC4_ID, Archival_ID
Star information
Survey Archival_Survey The archival survey used to provide the astrometric information shown here (i.e. the position, proper-motion and parallax information)
Survey ID Archival_ID Designation of the source in the survey used to provide the astrometric information for the source
RA Archival_ra_hms h:m:s The J2000 RA in hours:minutes:seconds proper-motion corrected to the date in the "epoch" column
RA err Archival_ra_err mas The uncertainty on the Right Ascension
Dec Archival_dec_dms d:m:s The J2000 Declination in degrees:minutes:seconds proper-motion corrected to the date in the "epoch" column
dec err Archival_dec_err mas The uncertainty on the Declination
RA Archival_ra degree The J2000 RA in degrees proper-motion corrected to the date in the "epoch" column
Dec Archival_dec degree The J2000 Dec in degrees proper-motion corrected to the date in the "epoch" column
PMRA Archival_pmra mas/yr The proper-motion in Right Ascension (*cos(Dec))
PMRA err Archival_pmra_err mas/yr The uncertainty on the proper-motion in Right Ascension (*cos(Dec))
PMDec Archival_pmdec mas/yr The proper-motion in Declination
PMDec err Archival_pmdec_err mas/yr The uncertainty on the proper-motion in Declination
Epoch Archival_epoch jyear The observation epoch of the source in the survey. The RA and Dec provided here is proper-motion correct/observed, all RA and Dec are in the J2000 reference frame
Parallax Archival_parallax mas The parallax provided by the survey
Parallax err Archival_parallax_err mas The uncertainty on the parallax
Radio information
Telescope Radio_telescope The radio telescope used to make the radio detection shown in this row
Survey Radio_survey Name of the radio survey the radio source was detected in
Frequency Radio_freq_MHz MHz The central frequency of the radio observation
RA Radio_ra_hms h:m:s The Right Ascension in hours:minutes:seconds of the source in the radio observation
RA err Radio_ra_err arcsec The uncertainty on the Right Ascension
Dec err Radio_dec_err arcsec The uncertainty on the Declination
RA Radio_ra degree The Right Ascension in degrees of the source in the radio observation
Dec Radio_dec degree The Declination in degrees of the source in the radio observation
Dec Radio_dec d:m:s The Declination in degrees of the source in the radio observation
Separation Radio_optical_sep_arcsec arcsec The separation between the radio and optical position, where the optical position has been proper-motion corrected to the epoch of the radio observation
Radio_I_measurementType Radio_I_measurementType The Stokes I measurement type. This can be "Detection" (the source was detected), "Upper limit" (the source was not detected and the measurement shown is an upper limit) or "NoMeasurement" (the flux density was not measured at all)
SI Radio_I_flux_int mJy The integrated flux density of the Stokes I detection of the source
SI err Radio_I_flux_int_err mJy The uncertainty on the integrated flux density of the Stokes I detection of the source
Radio_I_flux_peak Radio_I_flux_peak mJy The peak flux density of the Stokes I detection of the source
Radio_I_flux_peak_err Radio_I_flux_peak_err mJy The uncertainty on the peak flux density of the Stokes I detection of the source
Radio_local_I_RMS Radio_local_I_RMS mJy/beam The local Stokes V rms
Radio_V_measurementType Radio_V_measurementType The Stokes V measurement type. This can be "Detection" (the source was detected), "Upper limit" (the source was not detected and the measurement shown is an upper limit) or "NoMeasurement" (the flux density was not measured at all)
SV Radio_V_flux_int mJy The integrated flux density of the Stokes V detection of the source
SV err Radio_V_flux_int_err mJy The uncertainty on the integrated flux density of the Stokes V detection of the source
Radio_V_flux_peak Radio_V_flux_peak The peak flux density of the Stokes V detection of the source
Radio_V_flux_peak_err Radio_V_flux_peak_err The uncertainty on the peak flux density of the Stokes V detection of the source
Radio_local_V_RMS Radio_local_V_RMS mJy/beam The local Stokes I rms
Survey ID Radio_component_id The identifier/name of the radio source in the radio survey
Observation ID Radio_SBID The designation/identifier of the radio field or observation in the radio survey
Start time Radio_starttime_isot ISOT ISOT start time of the radio observation
End time Radio_endtime_isot ISOT ISOT end time of the radio observation
Radio_starttime_mjd Radio_starttime_mjd MJD Start time of the radio observation in MJD
Radio_endtime_mjd Radio_endtime_mjd MJD End time of the radio observation in MJD
Integration time Radio_exptime_s s Integration time of the radio observation
Radio_maj_axis Radio_maj_axis arcsec The major axis of the synthesised beam
Radio_min_axis Radio_min_axis arcsec The minor axis of the synthesised beam
Radio_pos_angle Radio_pos_angle degree The position angle of the synthesised beam
Radio_maj_axis_err Radio_maj_axis_err arcsec Uncertainty on the major axis of the synthesised beam
Radio_min_axis_err Radio_min_axis_err arcsec Uncertainty on the major axis of the synthesised beam
Match information
Search method Search_method The method used to identify the radio emission as stellar emission from this star
Search method indicator Search_method_bin Indicates the search methods the source was found using. The possible values are the sum of cross-match=2, variability=4, proper-motion=8, and Stokes V=16. For example, a source found in both a cross-match and Stokes V search would have a value of 2+16=18.
Crossmatch radius Crossmatch_radius_arcsec arcsec The radius used to cross-match between the radio and optical position of the source in the search for stellar radio emission. The optical position has been proper-motion corrected to the epoch of the radio observation
Star IDs
Simbad Simbad_ID The main identifier from the CDS Simbad database
Gaia DR3 GaiaDR3_ID Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) unique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release)
TYC TYCHO_ID TYC1-3 (TYC number) Tycho identifier
2MASS 2MASS_ID 2MASS designation from the Two Micron All Sky Survey at IPAC
GCVS GCVS_ID Designation from the General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS)
HIP HIP_ID Hipparcos input catalogue running number
UCAC4 UCAC4_ID Recommended identifier from the Fourth U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog
Reference Reference The reference (DOI) for the radio star identification