Welcome to the Sydney Radio Star Catalogue!

This is a catalogue of radio detected stars and stellar binary systems. For column descriptions, see the Column Information page.

The Sydney Radio Star Catalogue is a catalogue of radio detected stars and stellar binary systems compiled and maintained by a team at the University of Sydney. It includes: main sequence stars, M and K dwarfs, ultracool dwarfs, magnetically chemically peculiar stars, binaries (e.g. symbiotic binaries and RS CVn) and more. It does not include sources such as novae or X-ray binaries.

We have included stars that have been detected in the radio at least once and are confirmed radio stars. This includes stars that have been detected as circularly polarised radio sources, have radio light curve variability consistent with radio star variability, or are the result of a cross-match with at least 98% reliability. We do not include candidate radio stars. For full details on the construction and inclusions of the catalogue please see Driessen et al. (2024) .

The sky map above shows the positions of the stars in this catalogue, the size of the points shows the Stokes I integrated flux density.

You can download the full catalogue as a csv or you can perform a cone search or filtering below and download the filtered version of the catalogue. Detailed descriptions of the columns in the table can be found in the Column Information page.

The catalogue is also available on Vizier. For an up-to-date version of the catalogue in Vizier format, use the buttons in the Download Section of this page.

This catalogue is maintained by a team at the University of Sydney. If you use this catalogue in a publication please cite the original catalogue paper Driessen et al. (2024) and include a link to this website (https://radiostars.org/) . Please also cite the original publications in the References column, appropriately acknowledge the telescopes in the Radio Telescope column and appropriately cite the surveys in the Star information: Survey column.

Full Catalogue Download

You can download the latest version of the star catalogue files in Vizier format here. The Stars.dat table contains a list of unique stars and their properties, and the Radio.dat table contains individual radio measurements of stars in the Stars.dat table. See the ReadMe for a full description of these files.

stars.dat radio.dat ReadMe

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